pre-pending of PATH by macports: normal conflicts?
Brian Barnes
bcbarnes at
Wed Feb 13 09:49:23 PST 2008
I noticed the following today:
nell:/private/etc barnes$ locate periodic | grep bin
nell:/private/etc barnes$ sudo which periodic
this is, of course, due to the prepending of $PATH by macports
(1.6.0) in .profile:
# Your previous .profile (if any) is saved as .profile.mpsaved
# Setting the path for MacPorts.
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
I believe the 'periodic' commands of openmotif and /usr/sbin are
extremely different ;). Is this sort of thing known/expected? Are
there other conflicts with system commands? Or is this perhaps an
openmotif port bug? Just curious.
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