Error building p5-sdl_perl

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu Jan 3 22:16:18 PST 2008

On Jan 3, 2008, at 23:10, LeAnne Lis wrote:

> A search for the p5-sdl_perl port brings up a ticket from Dec 30,  
> #13757:
> frozenbubble2 doesn't build on leopard.  However, it's been closed  
> as a
> duplicate.  If it truly is a duplicate, then of what?

The note in the ticket says it is a duplicate of #13724.

> And, how do I fix this?

I do not know. Hopefully the maintainer of the port can figure it  
out. The ticket is assigned to him so he should be aware of it. The  
port is openmaintainer, so anyone else is welcome to step in and  
provide a solution if one is known.

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