abiword issues

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Jan 5 12:53:03 PST 2008

On Jan 5, 2008, at 14:48, Michael J. Vollinger wrote:

>>> After that I tried installing the other abiword package, version  
>>> 2.4.5_0 and it says it installed.  The problem I am having now is  
>>> I can not start the program.  When I open a xterm window and type  
>>> abiword I get the error message: bash: abiword: command not  
>>> found.  Am I doing anything wrong?  Help help would be looked  
>>> upon kindly with any version of abiword.
>> Try typing the full path to the executable, presumably /opt/local/ 
>> bin/abiword. Your xterm may not be using the same PATH as your Mac  
>> OS X Terminal.
> I typed  /opt/local/bin/abiword and got the return of bash: /opt/ 
> local/bin/abiword: No such file or directory.  This happened both  
> in xterm and in the Terminal.

Then I guess that's not what it installs. Type "port contents abiword- 
x11" to discover what it does install and where.

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