MacPorts 1.6 still supports OS X 10.3 Panther?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Jan 5 16:33:32 PST 2008

On Jan 5, 2008, at 18:28, Chris Janton wrote:

> On 2008-01-05 , at 16:12 , Kevin Ballard wrote:
>> Chris, can you fire up the tclsh shell and tell me what that  
>> command returns?
> Interestingly - the system I am "working with" - OS X Client 10.3.9  
> - doesn't show any problem in tclsh, but it fails. My target system  
> - the OS X Server - shows an error.
> admin at x:admin:128 $ sw_vers
> ProductName:    Mac OS X Server
> ProductVersion: 10.3.9
> BuildVersion:   7W98
> admin at x:admin:129 $ tclsh
> % [info commands ui_channels]
> ambiguous command name "": after append apply array auto_execok  
> auto_import auto_load auto_load_index auto_qualify binary break  
> case catch cd chan clock close concat continue dict encoding eof  
> error eval exec exit expr fblocked fconfigure fcopy file fileevent  
> flush for foreach format gets glob global history if incr info  
> interp join lappend lassign lindex linsert list llength load lrange  
> lrepeat lreplace lreverse lsearch lset lsort namespace open package  
> pid proc puts pwd read regexp regsub rename return scan seek set  
> socket source split string subst switch tclLog tell time trace  
> unknown unload unset update uplevel upvar variable vwait while
> % admin at x:admin:130 $
> house54 2 # sw_vers
> ProductName:    Mac OS X
> ProductVersion: 10.3.9
> BuildVersion:   7W98
> house54 3 # tclsh
> % [info commands ui_channels]
> empty command name ""
> face at mac:face:122 $ sw_vers
> ProductName:    Mac OS X
> ProductVersion: 10.4.11
> BuildVersion:   8S2167
> face at mac:face:123 $ tclsh
> % [info commands ui_channels]
> empty command name ""
> % house58 2 # sw_vers
> ProductName:    Mac OS X
> ProductVersion: 10.5.1
> BuildVersion:   9B18
> house58 3 # tclsh
> % [info commands ui_channels]
> empty command name ""

Does your target system have the MacPorts tcl port installed? I see  
the same "ambiguous command name" error with the MacPorts tclsh  
8.4.16 port installed, but see "empty command name" using the  
system's tclsh.

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.4.11
BuildVersion:   8S2167
$ /usr/bin/tclsh
% [info commands ui_channels]
empty command name ""
% exit
$ /opt/local/bin/tclsh
% [info commands ui_channels]
ambiguous command name "": after append array auto_execok auto_import  
auto_load auto_load_index auto_qualify binary break case catch cd  
clock close concat continue encoding eof error eval exec exit expr  
fblocked fconfigure fcopy file fileevent flush for foreach format  
gets glob global history if incr info interp join lappend lindex  
linsert list llength load lrange lreplace lsearch lset lsort  
namespace open package pid proc puts pwd read regexp regsub rename  
return scan seek set socket source split string subst switch tclLog  
tell time trace unknown unset update uplevel upvar variable vwait while
% exit

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