problem building gnupod

George Georgalis george at
Sun Jan 6 15:30:00 PST 2008

I'm not sure what the problem is here, expat is installed
(subversion, at least, is using it) but p5-xml-parser won't go
in because it cannot find it. I've tried exporting EXPATLIBPATH
and EXPATINCPATH but still no cookie. (I have synced and cleaned
installed too.) What could be wrong?

// George

 geo at fuji:/Users/geo port installed expat
The following ports are currently installed:
  expat @2.0.0_1
  expat @2.0.1_0 (active)
 geo at fuji:/Users/geo sudo port outdated
The following installed ports are outdated:
gmp                            4.2.2_0 < 4.2.2_1
libpcap                        0.9.5_1 < 0.9.8_0
R                              2.5.1_0 < 2.6.1_0
tcl                            8.4.16_0 < 8.5.0_0
urw-fonts                      1.0.7pre43_0 < 1.0.7pre44_0
vim                            7.1.175_0 < 7.1.203_0
xrender                        0.9.0_1 < 0.9.0_2
 geo at fuji:/Users/geo sudo port install gnupod
--->  Configuring p5-xml-parser
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell command " cd "/usr/local/MacPorts/var/macports/build/_usr_local_MacPorts_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_perl_p5-xml-parser/work/XML-Parser-2.36" && /usr/local/MacPorts/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor " returned error 2
Command output: Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lexpat

Expat must be installed prior to building XML::Parser and I can't find
it in the standard library directories. You can download expat from:

If expat is installed, but in a non-standard directory, then use the
following options to Makefile.PL:

    EXPATLIBPATH=...  To set the directory in which to find libexpat

    EXPATINCPATH=...  To set the directory in which to find expat.h

For example:

    perl Makefile.PL EXPATLIBPATH=/home/me/lib EXPATINCPATH=/home/me/include

Note that if you build against a shareable library in a non-standard location
you may (on some platforms) also have to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable at run time for perl to find the library.

Error: The following dependencies failed to build: p5-xml-parser
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

George Georgalis, information system scientist <IXOYE><

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