Problems using macports

Chris Pickel sfiera at
Tue Jan 8 10:44:09 PST 2008

[resending to list]

On 08 Jan, 2008, at 3:34, muffetta66 wrote:
> Chris Pickel ha scritto:
>> On 07 Jan, 2008, at 17:28, muffetta66 wrote:
>>> Chris Pickel ha scritto:
>>>> On 07 Jan, 2008, at 7:48, muffetta66 wrote:
>>>>> ibook-g4-di-*************-********:~ *************$ sudo port  
>>>>> install mc
>>>>> Password:
>>>>> --->  Extracting libiconv
>>>>> Error: Target org.macports.extract returned: shell command " cd  
>>>>> "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ 
>>>>> _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync 
>>>>> .macports.org_release_ports_textproc_libiconv/work" && gzip -dc / 
>>>>> opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/libiconv/libiconv-1.12.tar.gz |  
>>>>> -xf - " returned error 127
>>>>> Command output: sh: line 1: -xf: command not found
>>>> Looks like you have `tar` missing. What's the value of  
>>>> tar_command on your system? You can get it as follows:
>>>> % cat /opt/local/share/macports/Tcl/port1.0/port_autoconf.tcl |  
>>>> grep tar
>>>>   variable tar_command "/usr/bin/gnutar --no-same-owner"
>>>> I'm assuming that the value will be missing on your system. As  
>>>> you can see, on my system it refers to /usr/bin/gnutar:
>>>> % /usr/bin/gnutar --version
>>>> tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1
>>>> It's possible that you could fix your problem simply by editing  
>>>> port_autoconf.tcl, but that would break upon selfupdating, and it  
>>>> would be better to know why it didn't originally find the tar  
>>>> command.
>>> Yes!! was exactly that (the gnutar/tat missing value!)
>>> Many thanks
>> But did `/usr/bin/gnutar --version` give the expected output?  
>> There's something being detected wrong on your system, and it will  
>> probably break again when you selfupdate if we don't know what the  
>> cause is.
>> Chris
> This is the output:
> $ gnutar --version
> tar (GNU tar) 1.14 +CVE-2006-0300 +CVE-2006-6097
> $ tar --version
> tar (GNU tar) 1.14 +CVE-2006-0300 +CVE-2006-6097
> And this is mine port_autoconf.tcl:
> package provide port 1.0
> namespace eval portutil::autoconf {
>       variable cvs_path "/usr/bin/cvs"
>       variable svn_path ""
>       variable rsync_path "/usr/bin/rsync"
>       variable mtree_path "/usr/sbin/mtree"
>       variable xar_path ""
>       variable sed_command "/usr/bin/sed"
>       variable sed_ext_flag "-E"
>       variable tar_command "/usr/bin/tar"
>       variable have_launchd "yes"
>       variable launchctl_path "/bin/launchctl"
>       variable install_user "root"
>       variable install_group "admin"
>       variable prefix "/opt/local"
> Should i use gnutar instead of tar? should i update to 1.15?
> Many thanks for youtr patient, it's my first experience with ports,  
> scripts, commands line, compilers, programming...etc in this  
> environvemt, just curiosity because Mac OS X by hearsay should be  
> similar to UNIX/Linux, and i used a little only linux suse, red-hat,  
> ubunto and mandriva. but nothing about the command line or similar  
> in both.

Your version of tar seems to be the one that's provided with Tiger. If  
you have Tiger, then you should keep that version. I'm not sure what  
caused your problem, but I'd suggest trying `sudo port -f selfupdate`  
and making sure MacPorts to continues to work thereafter. If it does,  
then the problem shouldn't appear again.


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