finding expat Re: problem building gnupod

George Georgalis george at
Tue Jan 8 22:12:39 PST 2008

Well I get the same missing expat problem, with Xcode 2.5 I'm
tempted to make a symlink to /usr/local/MacPorts from /opt/local
but I'd really like to get this figured out vs just make it work.

below are notes on my Xcode update. What else can I try?

// George

On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 03:03:24PM -0600, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008, at 11:05, George Georgalis wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 11:44:59PM -0600, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> Okay, downloading, will try tonight. To reduce consumed disk space
>> after it's all in place, should I think about purging /Developer
>> before I start the install? is that even necessary? Is there
>> something else that is better to do?
> I assume that installing Xcode 2.5 will be smart about removing obsolete 
> parts of Xcode 2.3 first. If you're concerned that it won't be, you could 
> first run the Xcode 2.3 uninstall script. (Xcode installs things in more 
> places than just /Developer.) The uninstall script is probably on the Xcode 
> 2.3 CD or disk image.

here's some summary notes

I don't have the dmg from my current Xcode install.
Version 2.5 says this in the About pdf...

Uninstalling Xcode 2.5 developer tools 
Since multiple versions of the Xcode developer tools can coexist on your system on Mac OS X 10.5, the script has been changed to only remove content installed into the Xcode directory. On Mac OS X 10.4.x, the uninstall-devtools script continues to remove all Xcode 2.5 developer tools content from the boot volume. 
On Mac OS X 10.4.x, type the following in Terminal to remove the Xcode 2.5 developer tools: 
$ sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools 
On Mac OS X 10.5, type the following in Terminal to remove the Xcode 2.5 developer tools: 
$ sudo <Xcode 2.5 directory>/Library/uninstall-devtools 
NOTE: The uninstaller that ships with previous versions of Xcode developer tools will not clean everything off of your system properly. You should either use the one on the Xcode 2.5 DVD, or you should use the one installed when you installed the Xcode 2.5 developer tools. 
NOTE: Running the uninstall script will uninstall any previous installations of Mac OS X Developer Tools or Xcode developer tools releases on Tiger systems.  On Leopard systems, the uninstaller will only remove the Xcode developer tools installed on the boot volume outside of the Xcode directory.  To remove the remaining Xcode content, drag the Xcode directory to the trash. 

I used that to discover:

 geo at fuji:/Users/geo find  /Developer/ -iname \*uninstall\*
/Developer//ADC Reference Library/documentation/QuickTime/APIREF/qtuninstallnexttaskneededsoonercallback.htm

and ran it after the df command...

 geo at fuji:/Users/geo df -h
Filesystem                Size   Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s3               74G    73G   938M    99%    /

it freed up a lot of space,

/dev/disk0s3               74G    71G   3.6G    95%    /

and the 2.5 install used a bit more:

/dev/disk0s3               74G    74G   626M    99%    /

George Georgalis, information system scientist <IXOYE><

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