Run time messages with Scribus

Thorsten Zörner mail at
Tue Jan 15 03:11:30 PST 2008

Hi there,

for the last three versions of Scribus I've been experiencing warnings  
or errors (cannot tell) at run time,
that look like this:

p5085AEFD:~ thorsten$ scribus
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
QComboBox::changeItem: (Lang) Index 0 out of range
QComboBox::changeItem: (Lang) Index 0 out of range
QComboBox::changeItem: (Lang) Index 0 out of range
QComboBox::changeItem: (Lang) Index 0 out of range
QComboBox::changeItem: (Lang) Index 0 out of range
QComboBox::changeItem: (Lang) Index 0 out of range

and so on.

The first block of QDateTime's I get when the program starts up.
Then I opened an existing file - no extra output here.
Then I clicked into two text boxes and a picture box - resulting in  
two lines of QComboBox each...

When I asked it earlier on this list, I was pointed to newer versions  
of X11 over at
Now I have the latest version 2.1.2 installed, but the messages remain.

My whole setup is this:
MacBook Pro, Intel Core Duo 2GHz, running MacOS 10.5.1, MacPorts 1.60,  
X11 2.1.2, Scribus

Thanks in advance for any pointers!

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