Compiling IcedTea (was: Re: freetype-devel)

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed Jan 16 19:58:07 PST 2008

On Jan 16, 2008, at 21:39, Michael Franz wrote:

> After getting most of the dependent packages installed (had to  
> remove firefox since I am having problems with xmlto) I am back to  
> my original problem.  Configure can not find freetype-devel.
> checking xerces2 jar... /opt/local/share/java/xercesImpl.jar
> checking for FT_Init_FreeType in -lfreetype... yes
> checking for freetype header directory... no
> configure: error: "Freetype headers not found - try installing  
> freetype-devel"

Freetype used to install headers in ${prefix}/include/freetype2/ 
freetype/internal but no longer does so. The freetype developers  
decided these were internal headers, not to be used by other  
programs. Maybe IcedTea is looking for headers there. If so, it will  
have to be rewritten to no longer do that. You could look through the  
configure script to see whether it's looking for freetype headers in  
that directory. You may need to contact the developers of IcedTea.

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