port outdated output is not complete

Harry Parker harrylparker at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 19:50:06 PST 2008

Today, after noticing the message this morning from Guido Soranzio about
fixing port py25-tkinter, I did a port selfupdate as a first step in
preparation to trying it. Then as usual, I did a "port outdated" to see what
else had changed. I was surprised to find that py25-tkinter was NOT listed
as outdated! Here is a paste of what I see:
Harrys-Silver-PowerBook:~ hparker$ port
MacPorts 1.600
Entering interactive mode... ("help" for help, "quit" to quit)
[Users/hparker] > outdated
The following installed ports are outdated:
ImageMagick                    6.3.7-4_0 < 6.3.8-0_0
perl5.8                        5.8.8_0 < 5.8.8_1
py25-scientific                2.6_0 < 2.6.1_0
python_select                  0.1_0 < 0.1_1
[Users/hparker] > info py25-tkinter
py25-tkinter 2.5.1, Revision 1, python/py25-tkinter (Variants: universal)

Python bindings to the Tk widget set

Library Dependencies: python25, tcl, tk
Platforms: darwin
Maintainers: mww at macports.org
[Users/hparker] > installed py25-tkinter
The following ports are currently installed:
  py25-tkinter @2.5.1_0

Either I don't understand what "outdated" means, or "port outdated" is
broken. This makes me wonder what other oudated ports I have...

Have others seen this behavior?
I'm on Mac 10.4.11 on a PPC.

-- Harry
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