[!SPAM?:XXXII] Re: matplotlib: no interactive backends appear to work

John Owens john_owens at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 28 10:08:59 PST 2008

Adam Mercer <ramercer <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I notice you're trying to upgrade the port, AFAIK you cannot specify
> new variants on upgrading a port; if you want to modify the variants
> used you'll need to reinstall. I I don't get this error when trying to
> install the port using the above variants

True, thanks. I did a default install after cleaning (just +tkinter),
which builds OK, but I'm still getting a segfault after X pops up a 
blank window. Recording the stack trace for posterity; I understand
this is something you're not seeing.


Thread 0 Crashed:
0   com.tcltk.tcllibrary          	0x01c53f40 TclpFree + 73
1   com.tcltk.tcllibrary          	0x01c5007e ResetObjResult + 170
2   com.tcltk.tklibrary           	0x01d088c6 Tk_MainWindow + 98
3   _tkagg.so                     	0x01bcb320 PyAggImagePhoto(void*,
Tcl_Interp*, int, char**) + 32
4   com.tcltk.tcllibrary          	0x01bfdaeb TclInvokeStringCommand + 117
5   libtcl8.5.dylib               	0x0a010368 TclEvalObjvInternal + 1592
6   libtcl8.5.dylib               	0x0a01074b Tcl_EvalObjv + 59
7   _tkinter.so                   	0x017da848 Tkapp_Call + 200
8   org.python.python             	0x001ecf3b PyEval_EvalFrame + 22523

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