gsl-devel build message "file is not of required architecture"

Owen Solberg solberg at
Thu Jul 17 08:21:22 PDT 2008

Hi again,

For the record, I think I found a solution here:

where you learn that setting

env ARCHFLAGS='-arch i386'

will pass along to gcc this architecture setting.  Apparently Macs 
default build behavior is to try to build both ppc and i386 
architectures... I assume that the gsl-devel is all i386, so that was 
the problem I was running into.

Hope this helps someone else.

Owen Solberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build a python project... everything works great when I 
> build it in Linux.
> On Mac OS X 10.5 leopard, with gsl-devel installed using MacPorts, I get 
> this error message when I try my usual "python build":
> ld: warning in /opt/local/lib/libgsl.dylib, file is not of required
>   architecture
> ld: warning in /opt/local/lib/libgslcblas.dylib, file is not of required
>   architecture

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