mtr issues

Peter Hindrichs pth at
Tue Jun 3 14:07:48 PDT 2008

Good Day,

I have been using "mtr" to check the network signal from my wireless  
ISP, and it has been working fine until the other day when I updated  
my system to 10.5.3

I did an uninstall of mtr and reinstalled it, with no change here is  
what I get when I try "mtr"

Freedom:~ peterhin$ mtr
nodename nor servname provided, or not known: Undefined error: 0
Freedom:~ peterhin$

Now if I do a "ping"  or a "traceroute" of the same or any other  
address it works fine.

My question then is this a compatibility issue with 10.5.3 or some  
other issue. 

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