Problem with Molden installation

Jochen Küpper kuepper.jochen at
Tue Jun 10 11:38:54 PDT 2008

On 10.06.2008, at 16:26, Vincent BOUDON wrote:

> Thanks a lot, it worked fine.
> I am really sorry to bother you again with this, but I have another  
> problem with molden on Mac OS X and I must admit that the way to  
> report this via seems quite obscure to me ...

please report it via trac, so we have the records and more people can  
look at it...

> Each time I try to add a line in the Z-matrix editor, I get:
> Segmentation fault

i can reproduce this.
However, I am sorry, I do not have time to look at this right now.
Please report it in trac and to the molden maintainer upstreams

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