upgrades fail after leopard update

Alan Batie alan at batie.org
Thu Jun 12 18:53:11 PDT 2008

Cameron Simpson wrote:

> Breaking cycles doesn't turn it into a tree, but fortunately that's ok;
> an acyclic digraph is fine - you can traverse it like a tree and just
> need to avoid rebuilding a package you rebuilt on another path. Which
> macports seems to do just fine anyway.

If it looks like a tree... ;-)
You would probably redundantly check a port, but the following times 
around, it would match as current, so nothing would be done.

> As remarked, it would be good to distinguish chosen variants from
> auto-variants in the port install state information.

I'm not familiar with the variant options (I usually just say "port 
install something" and if it doesn't work, curse ;-) and manually 
install it), but yes, I can see where someone may choose to force a 
non-standard version and that would need to be tracked.
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