python24 +puredarwin

Martin Stadler martin at
Wed Jun 18 01:34:51 PDT 2008


I'm using python24 with the puredarwin variant because it seems to fit  
better with virtual python, easy install and Plone. Then I upgraded my  
Python and now it looks like the puredarwin variant was not used. Now  
I uninstalled and cleaned everything and tried to install but I get an  

MartinsMacBook:~ martin$ sudo port install python24 +puredarwin
--->  Fetching python24
--->  Attempting to fetch Python-2.4.5.tgz from
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for python24
--->  Extracting python24
--->  Applying patches to python24
--->  Configuring python24
--->  Building python24 with target all libpython2.4.dylib
--->  Staging python24 into destroot
Error: Target org.macports.destroot returned: no such file or directory
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

Installing Python without puredarwin works perfectly. Any idea?


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