[darkstat] Improvement for MacOS

Damien Clauzel Damien at Clauzel.nom.fr
Thu Jun 19 11:23:55 PDT 2008

Le 19 juin 08 à 19:58, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :

> For MacPorts you would generally use the startupitem directives to
> have MacPorts create a launchd plist for you. See the Guide:
> http://guide.macports.org/#reference.startupitems
Yes, I saw that, but I couldn't find information about how to setup  
various parameters in the plist.
For example, I am using things like :





It is far more easier for me to just write the plist and to drop it  
in /Library/LaunchDaemons/ than to try to understand what exactly  
daemondo is, and how it interacts with launchd.

I don't really see what is the purpose of daemondo for running  
services, because launchd does already have everything that is needed  
for managing them. Am I missing something there ?

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