clam says boot.efi Broken.Executable

Brian Flaherty bxf4 at
Sun Jun 29 12:44:07 PDT 2008


I just happened to scan my /System/Library/CoreServices with
clamdscan, and it came back and said that boot.efi was a broken
executable.  I'm running up to date Leopard & MacPorts.  On this
machine, clamdscan --version says:

ClamAV 0.93.1/7583/Sat Jun 28 08:00:59 2008

I believe it too is up to date.

To check, I logged into my office machine and scanned boot.efi there
with clamdscan.  It did not come up as Broken.Executable.  port list shows the same
version of clamav installed (@0.93.1), but on my office desktop
clamdscan --version comes back as 0.93 not 0.93.1.  clamscan --version
comes back as 0.93.1 though, and the clamav binaries are the same size on
both machines.  In fact, boot.efi is the same size on both machines

Anyone else see this?  Any thoughts will be appreciated.  Thank you
for your time.


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