matplotlib segfault

skip at skip at
Thu Mar 6 17:54:37 PST 2008

  > I'm just constantly amazed at the complexity of MacPorts (not always in
  > a good way).

*sigh*...  Here's one example:

    % sudo port uninstall py25-matplotlib 
    --->  Deactivating py25-matplotlib 0.91.2_0+tkinter
    --->  Uninstalling py25-matplotlib 0.91.2_0+tkinter
    % sudo port install py25-matplotlib +gtk
    --->  Fetching py25-matplotlib
    --->  Verifying checksum(s) for py25-matplotlib
    --->  Extracting py25-matplotlib
    --->  Applying patches to py25-matplotlib
    --->  Configuring py25-matplotlib
    --->  Building py25-matplotlib with target build
    --->  Staging py25-matplotlib into destroot
    --->  Installing py25-matplotlib 0.91.2_0+tkinter
    --->  Activating py25-matplotlib 0.91.2_0+tkinter
    --->  Cleaning py25-matplotlib

I asked for the gtk variant.  Why was the tkinter variant installed?

Skip Montanaro - skip at -

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