Upgrade to Leopard mostly smooth, but has small glitch

paul beard paulbeard at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 23:35:52 PST 2008

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:
>  On Mar 7, 2008, at 14:31, Bill Hernandez wrote:
>  > I just installed Leopard on iMacG5 and everything went off very well.
>  >
>  > However when I restarted and looked at all the usual preferences, I
>  > launched the terminal and tried :
>  Did I understand correctly that you had Tiger, installed MacPorts and
>  several ports, and now upgraded to Leopard and are trying to continue
>  using the ports that were already installed? If so, I can't recommend
>  that. I suggest reinstalling MacPorts and your ports from scratch.
>  Ports may need to build differently on each version of Mac OS X.

That seems really cumbersome. If it is necessary, any way that the
MacPorts team could whip up a script to migrate ports to a new OS

or will a simple for loop (for i in `port installed`; do . . . ) do it?

But on to the OP's question, httpd is running? What do those lines do
if you run them in the Terminal?

% export ULIMIT_MAX_FILES="ulimit -S -n `ulimit -H -n`"

and as a hint, if you install BBedit's command line tools, you can
simply type "edit <filename>" instead of all that other stuff. Or use
TextWrangler, for those who are short of coin. It has the same
Paul Beard / www.paulbeard.org/
<paulbeard at gmail.com/paulbeard at gmail.com>

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