Difficulties installing PHP iMagick with MacPorts ImageMagick
Ryan Schmidt
ryandesign at macports.org
Fri Mar 14 13:10:15 PDT 2008
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On Mar 14, 2008, at 08:10, Elise van Looij wrote:
> Op 14 mrt 2008, om 12:23 heeft Ryan Schmidt het volgende geschreven:
>> Following up on my earlier message:
>> On Mar 14, 2008, at 06:13, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:25, Elise van Looij wrote:
>>>> <SNIP>
>>>> > cd /Users/elisevanlooij/Downloads/imagick-2.1.1/imagick-2.1.1
>>>> > sudo /opt/local/bin/phpize && ./configure --with-imagick=/opt/
>>>> local && make && make install
>>>> <SNIP>
>>>> So now I'm stymied. There is indeed a document named imagick.so,
>>>> but it's in my download folder
>>>> /Users/elisevanlooij/Downloads/imagick-2.1.1/imagick-2.1.1/
>>>> modules/imagick.so
>>>> which I don't think is a good location, Should I move
>>>> imagick.so and if so, where and how? The PHP extension_dir is
>>>> set to ./
>>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Try running "sudo make install" (instead of "make install").
> Doesn't the sudo at the beginning of the line take care of that? It
> would explain why I got the permissions error.
On my bash shell, I would have to say no. The "sudo" applies only to
the first command, before the first "&&". So you're running phpize as
root, then configuring, making and installing as your normal user.
>> But note that it looks like this will install the module into /usr/
>> lib/php/extensions, which is for Apple's PHP, not MacPorts's PHP.
> Actually, the default location for extensions, if I interpret the
> results of my googling correctly, is /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-
> debug-non-zts-20060613
That's what I meant.
> -- I would guess that 20060613 is the date Apple's PHP was built.
> Note that this folder is not indexed by Sherlock. What I finally
> did was copy imagick.so from /Users/elisevanlooij/Downloads/
> imagick-2.1.1/imagick-2.1.1/modules/ to that folder
I would have thought that "sudo make install" would have done exactly
> and add the following lines to MacPorts' php.ini (/opt/local/etc/
> php.ini), around line 475:
> extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/"
> and then, under Dynamic extensions, around line 580:
> extension=imagick.so
> I realize this is not the MacPorts way, but I need something that
> works now.
Ok. But note again that this is for Apple's PHP, not MacPorts's PHP.
You had mentioned before that you had installed MacPorts's PHP, but
now you won't be using it.
>> You might also want to consider making a port for imagick so that
>> others won't have to go through what you went through to get it
>> installed.
> I'm flattered, and if I knew what I was doing, I would. But I
> imagine that making a port requires a bit more knowledge than can
> be found in UNIX for Dummies. I do hope that by writing this, I can
> help someone else.
Not too much more. :) There is a guide:
And also you can look at the thousands of existing portfiles to see
how things are done. For example, to see how the ImageMagick port is
written, you can type "port cat ImageMagick" or, if you have your
EDITOR environment variable set up correctly, "port edit
ImageMagick". Or maybe the portfile of a php extension like php5-
xdebug would be more instructive.
>> You will probably need to find some additional parameters to tell
>> imagick to install the module in the MacPorts prefix instead.
> Elise van Looij
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