how to delete deactivated ports
Charlse Darwin
macports.users at
Thu Mar 20 03:32:05 PDT 2008
I have a shell script that I run when I go to bed called good-night
and part of it that pertains to Macports goes like this:
cd "~/base/" && /opt/local/bin/svn update && PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/
bin:/usr/sbin ./configure --enable-readline && /usr/bin/make && /opt/
local/bin/sudo /usr/bin/make install && /usr/bin/make clean && /opt/
local/bin/port -v selfupdate && /opt/local/bin/port -fvdRnu upgrade
outdated && /opt/local/bin/port -fvdR clean --all installed && /opt/
local/bin/port -fvdR uninstall inactive && /opt/local/bin/port -fvdR
clean --all uninstalled
Your thoughts please.
On Mar 20, 2008, at 3:08 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Mar 20, 2008, at 00:04, J P Lewis wrote:
>> (a novice question)
>> I installed a package (py25-matplotlib), had some trouble with
>> using it,
>> then did a port selfupdate,
>> then upgraded the package. In the process, a number of packages
>> were deactivated.
>> For example, it looks like I now have two copies of python25, numpy,
>> 3 copies of libpng, etc.
>> How can I uninstall these now (to clean up and save disk space)?
>> For example
>> port uninstall python25 @2.5.1_2+darwin_8
>> says that I cannot uninstall this (deactivated) python because
>> other things
>> depend on it.
>> Most of those things are things that I'm actively using (py-
>> readline for example).
>> should I uninstall and reinstall all of these? If so, it seems
>> like upgrading is a bad
>> strategy, one can save work by uninstalling and reinstalling?
> Welcome to MacPorts!
> The message you're referring to is misleading. It says that this
> specific version of the port cannot be uninstalled because other
> ports depend on it. In fact, MacPorts has no concept of depending on
> a specific version of a port, so the message should just say that
> other ports depend on that port. And since you already have a newer
> version of that port installed, there is no problem with uninstalling
> the older version. MacPorts is just being overly cautious. You can
> force the uninstallation as Paul said:
> sudo port -f uninstall python25
> If you already know when you upgrade that you want to uninstall the
> older version, you can use the -u flag:
> sudo port -u upgrade python25
> This will fail if any other ports depend on python25, with the same
> error message as discussed above. So you need to force it. But
> forcing the upgrade of e.g. python25 also forces the upgrade of all
> ports that python25 depends on, possibly multiple times. This is not
> what you want. So if you're going to force an upgrade, always use the
> -n flag with the -f flag to indicate that you do not want the
> recursive port upgrade feature:
> sudo port -nfu upgrade python25
> Yes, this whole situation is a little less than ideal, but it's what
> we have right now.
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