MacPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg Install Failure

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Mon May 5 20:31:16 PDT 2008

On May 5, 2008, at 13:01, Merton Campbell Crockett wrote:

> The following install step failed:  run postflight script for  
> MacPorts-1.6.0.  Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
> It's been a long time since I've used the package installer.   
> What's wrong?  What other options are there for installing ports to  
> build some of the networking software that I need?

The 1.6.0 disk image installer packages try to run "port sync" after  
installation, to update the ports tree. If this fails, the message  
you encountered is printed.

Is the rsync port blocked on your network? If so, unblock it if  

IIRC, MacPorts base has already been changed to no longer consider  
failure of the rsync task a fatal error. We just haven't had another  
MacPorts release since then.

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