GTK+ broken: anyone knows why?

Shreevatsa R shreevatsa.public at
Mon May 5 22:24:06 PDT 2008

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 11:36 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
> On May 5, 2008, at 09:24, Shreevatsa R wrote:
> > The GTK+ port (gtk2) is broken in multiple ways:
> >
> > 1. Did anything change in the base recently? It used to be that
> > variants chosen are passed on to dependencies as well, but it appears
> > that now `port install gtk2 +quartz` and `port install gtk2 +quartz
> > +no_x11` do different things, although the port gtk2 has "variant
> > quartz requires no_x11 ..." in it. That is, `port install gtk2
> > +quartz` installs the X11 version of pango, etc., instead of pango
> > +no_x11. Same with cairo.
> >
>  I don't know if something changed in base with regard to this. If this
> worked before, can you do some regression testing to see what revision of
> base broke it?

Oh, this is strange: I tested with 1.6.0, and it doesn't seem to work
with that either: "port install gtk2 +quartz" doesn't seem to pull in
+no_x11 for dependencies. I (and others) were quite sure this used to
work just a month ago or so, but if it doesn't work with 1.6.0... what
can it mean? 1.6.0 hasn't been changed in a long time, right? (Or are
the files at
generated from SVN, thus "MacPorts 1.6.0" doesn't refer to any fixed
thing? If this is the case, I will do more detailed regression testing
to pin down the date, and thus the revision which changed things.)

> > 2. After installing (`port install gtk2 +quartz +no_x11`) and
> > installing any GTK+ application on top of it, all windows display only
> > boxes; fonts don't work. This might be related to the recent changes
> > in cairo, or pango, or something.
> >
>  I believe I've had some other reports of this but I don't know how to fix
> it. I started a dialog with the developers of pango but I seem to have
> forgotten to follow up. I'm still not sure if this is a pango problem or a
> cairo problem.

Do you have references to that dialogue, to maybe know the current
state of things?
This is nothing terribly urgent of course :)


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