man ls is not man ls

Rainer Müller raimue at
Sun May 18 09:22:14 PDT 2008

Charles Darwin wrote:
> 12:07:05> ls -e
> ls: invalid option -- e
> Try `ls --help' for more information.
> 12:07:19> ls --help |grep "  -e"
> 12:07:22> which ls
> /opt/local/bin/ls

So you either installed coreutils +with_default_names or made that 
symlink by hand. Which one is the case?

> 12:07:24> /bin/ls -ce
> Desktop		Dl		Documents	Library		Movies		Music		Pictures	Public		Sites		 
> base
> 12:07:30> man ls
>> -e      Print the Access Control List (ACL) associated with the file,  
> if present.
>> 12:07:46> man -w ls
> /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz
> 12:09:52> 

The man page for ls from coreutils is at 'man gls'. Maybe there is a bug 
in coreutils which still installs the man pages with the 'g' prefix even 
if +with_default_names is selected.

I would not recommend to overwrite the default ls from the system 
exactly for this reason. Scripts may rely on the default behavior.


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