MacPorts Install Issue on 10.3.9

Rainer Müller raimue at
Mon May 19 10:53:51 PDT 2008

Christiansen Stephen wrote:
> Listers...
> I need some advice on an install of MacPorts for Mac OS 10.3.9.
> I installed the X11 version indicated as appropriate for 10.3-10.3.9.  
> I then installed XCode 1.5 which is shown on the Apple Developer site  
> as appropriate for 10.3.9, and the MacPorts package for Panther. All  
> installs went fine but I'm unable to access the port command from the  
> shell, which probably means the MacPorts path is not being added.  
> Indeed, I can't even find a .profile file.

This is a known bug:

Run this command [1]:
curl -Lo postflight && bash postflight

Or you need to do it manually, see

HTH, Rainer

[1] The tinyurl is pointing to 

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