Is there a download-only (i.e. a no-build) option?

Kurt Hillig khillig at
Mon May 19 14:33:44 PDT 2008

At work I've got great connectivity and a new (Intel) Mac; at home I've 
got lousy connectivity and a PPC Mac; in between I've got a laptop with 
lots of free disk space.

What I'd like to do is download all of the source for a package and all of 
its dependencies on my work machine, but *not* do any compiling on that 
machine (since I won't be using this at work anyway); then transfer the 
/opt directory tree to my home machine via the laptop and finish the 
process of compiling the software without having to spend days (and yes, 
it does take days!) downloading over the slow link.

I've poked through all the guides and it looks like one can create a local 
portfile repository that Macports can be pointed at; but it also looks 
like this has to be set up manually, one package at a time - and it also 
looks like I'd have to do a full install of each package to get the files 
I need for this.

Is there a an easier way to do this?  Maybe something like 'port fetch 
gnucash' that can do what I want?  Or a script that will extract the 
non-binary pieces of a port and turn the remainder into a suitable local 

                             Dr. Kurt Hillig
   UMNet Administration     I always tell the    Fax (734)763-4050
  University of Michigan     absolute truth,    Phone (734)647-8778
Ann Arbor, MI  48105-3640    as I see it.   EMail khillig(at)

  > Computers were invented to help people waste more time faster <

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