Apache not starting at boot

Takashi Yoshida tyoshida at mac.com
Wed May 21 04:19:01 PDT 2008


I think I encountered this problem long ago.

If I remember it correctly, I think I tried setting the ServerName in  
the httpd.conf file.

Open the httpd.conf (should be at /opt/local/apache2/conf) and set the  
Once I did that, Apache 2 started fine on start up.

You can also try running: /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl  configtest  
and see if there are any issues with your httpd.conf as well.


On May 20, 2008, at 12:57 AM, Lorin Rivers wrote:

> OK, thanks, I'll try the unload/load mambo and see what happens
> On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Robert Liesenfeld  
> <xunil at xunil.net> wrote:
> On May 19, 2008, at 8:14 AM, Lorin Rivers wrote:
> I have done some extensive research and have followed all the setup  
> instructions I can find, but apache2 still requires a manual start  
> on my 10.4 iMac.
> When I run "sudo launchctl load -w  /Library/LaunchDaemons/ 
> org.macports.apache2.plist", the response is "already loaded".
> Manual start doesn't report errors and apache works fine once I do  
> that, but I'd like to not have to remember to start apache next time  
> my power goes out.
> ... snip ...
> I found I had problems with launchd on 10.4 as well; in your  
> situation I would usually do a 'launchctl unload -w /Library...'  
> followed by a 'launchctl load -w /Library...'.  This seemed to give  
> launchd the prodding it needed.  Note also that if Apache fails to  
> start, repeatedly (due to configuration errors), I believe launchd  
> will eventually turn off the daemon and leave it off, such as how  
> init under other UNIXes handles runaway processes.
> The only other bit of info is that occasionally, I see something  
> about "bonjour" (couldn't find it just now, though). Also, mysql is  
> starting up just fine...
> Mysql starting OK indicates that launchd is working well (though I  
> suspect you'd be having much bigger problems if launchd was actually  
> broken :).  Can't help you with the Bonjour messages, I'm afraid...
> -Robert
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Takashi Yoshida
tyoshida [at] mac [dot] com

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