trouble building libtool

Joshua Root jmr at
Fri May 23 00:20:21 PDT 2008

Mark Smithfield wrote:
> I am using OSX 10.3.9.
> While attempting to build libtool, the following error
> occured..
> This seems to be telling me that I need to update the
> entire automake toolchain. I am not at all comfortable
> with automake, and there is an awful lot with which to
> get comfortable. 
> Shouldn't this *be* a dependency of the build process?
> Shouldn't libtool properly trigger this for me? 

It does indeed look like libtool needs automake. But automake depends on 
autoconf, which depends on libtool!

I don't know how this apparent circular dependency should be resolved. 
Perhaps someone with a better understanding of the autotools can 
enlighten us.

- Josh

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