Ruby installation damaged: how to deactivate/uninstall/update?

Tobias Weisserth tobias.weisserth at
Fri May 23 02:43:51 PDT 2008

Hi there,

I am having trouble with my Ruby installation from MacPorts.

This is what I have installed:

Installed Versions:
1.8.6-p110_0+thread_hooks 1.8.6-p111_1+thread_hooks
Active Version:

Now I want to uninstall the deactivated version like this:

sudo port -f uninstall ruby at 1.8.6-p110_0+thread_hooks

And I get this result:

Error: port uninstall failed: Registry error: Please specify the name of 
the port.

What's wrong?

I have the same problem when trying to update Ruby:

sudo port -unf upgrade ruby +thread_hooks

Which gives me this:

Error: Uninstall ruby 1.8.6-p111_1+thread_hooks failed: Registry error: 
Please specify the name of the port.

I need help here. Any ideas?


Tobias W.

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