ASSP out of date
Scott Haneda
talklists at
Sat Nov 8 14:19:29 PST 2008
Any chance someone can take a poke at this one? I'm trying to have a
running port by wekkends end.
I know there is a lot in there but I'm stumped.
Iphone says hello.
On Nov 7, 2008, at 6:49 PM, Scott Haneda <talklists at> wrote:
> Is there a long standing debate on this list that a normal reply
> does not go back to the list? I am sorry to all of you who I have
> replied to direct, I did intend for it to go to the list for the
> benefit of the archives.
> On Nov 6, 2008, at 1:06 AM, Bryan Blackburn wrote:
>> What goes in there of course depends on how you actually install
>> this port;
>> since you've done this by hand you should have a pretty good idea.
>> Though
>> note everything should go into things starting with ${destroot}$
>> {prefix} as
>> that is a staging area, so port can then scan it to find all files to
>> install.
>> For a manual install, see as an example the destroot phase of
>> <>
>> to at least get you started. If you have to install a number of
>> files
>> matching various patterns, see the last part of the post-destroot
>> phase in
>> <
>> >
>> which uses glob to match multiple files.
> Yes, these are just files, which is the part in the script that I am
> at now.
> First, there is the issue of needing to do things to the files while
> they are freshly unpacked. I am yet to find a good way to
> recursively act on a set of files in TCL.
> The idea is, I have a set of files, and directories, and who knows
> how deep they go, or what the developer will do to the arrangement
> later.
> Sure, I can do the foreach file1 file2 file3 dir1/file1 dir1/file2
> with a glob, but that is then something I have to maintain. I can
> stuff the files and directories into a list, which makes it a little
> easier...
> At the end of the day, I think it would be best to simply say, "I
> want to perform an action on all files below 'directory', using a
> file extension filter.
> It can be a whitelist, or a blacklist, that is trivial, though a non
> extension file may have to have some though put into it.
> How does one do this in tcl? I have a test case, and this is my
> first ever step into tcl, and further, my first recursive function
> that deals with recursion. Never called the function itself in a
> function before...
> proc recursiveDirList { dir } {
> set tmp_list {}
> # Traverse top directory
> set contents [glob -nocomplain -directory $dir *]
> foreach item $contents {
> lappend tmp_list $item
> # Recurse - go into the sub directory
> if { [file isdirectory $item] } {
> lappend tmp_list [recursiveDirList $item]
> }
> }
> # Final result, a list of all files and directories in $dir
> return $tmp_list
> }
> # Iterate the results,
> foreach line [recursiveDirList $worksrcpath] {
> if { [regexp {((.*\.txt)|(.*\.dat)|(.*\.pl)|(.*\.sh))} $line] } {
> puts "-"
> puts $line
> puts "-"
> }
> }
> So the first one just makes a list of all directories and files.
> First bad thing is that I do not want the directory in there, there
> is no action I will ever take on a directory. Second, when I print
> out the list, it is not a clean list, but a nested one, and some
> items have "{" and "}" wrapping the path items, which makes no sense
> to me. Stumped.
> I then made the second chunk of code, in order to filter the files I
> want. I suspect there is a better regex I can use to make sure it
> ends with, and does not contain the pattern, and it should be case
> insensitive.
> In reality, it would be much more ideal to simply supply a file
> extension list to the first function, and return a nice clean list
> of the files.
> I gave up on this, and did it in a less future proof way, for the
> sake of having less code in the port. If someone can help me with
> this to make it worthwhile, I would rather go this route. It would
> be an nice way to remove DOS lines endings, or do basic find and
> replace across a bunch of files. I never have to worry if the
> developer changes things.
> -------
> How does one decide where to put the final set of files? Currently,
> it looks like the old assp puts it in /opt/local/var but how was
> that decided? Do I hard code that path, or is there a built in I am
> missing?
> The old assp port file did some user and group adding, and I have
> never done that in the past to make this run. Is this a requirement
> to do so, or at least a good practice? I will check with the
> developer, but I think the permissions are best set to the user that
> installed it. Or in the OS X case, the logged in user I would
> assume. I can not see why this set of files needs to run as anything
> else, it has it's own http server, so permissions and user/group, as
> long as the same as the http server, would be fine.
> In the old assp port I also see basically, once line of xinstall for
> every file that needs dealing with. Is there not a way to simply
> tell it to take a directory, and move it where it needs to go? if
> not, what about the subdirectories, I have to move the individual
> files one at a time, and then how do I create those files parent
> directory?
> Finally, after all that, I will get to the dependencies, for which,
> about 25% of them do not seem to have port files. From looking over
> many of the p5-* ports, is it really as simple as that, sort of like
> CPAN does it, MacPorts does that as well, so I simply make this bare
> minimum port file, and it runs with it? What happens if this newly
> made port file has dependencies, and those dependencies have
> dependencies? Do I have to traverse the entire dependency tree to
> get them to work? I could be in those for 20 or so port files if
> that is true :)
> Thanks again.
> --
> Scott
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