ASSP out of date
Scott Haneda
talklists at
Tue Nov 11 01:20:51 PST 2008
Hello, had some more spare time this evening, working on the assp
port, thanks to all who are entertaining me in this training process.
I am working on the port as it started, so I issue sudo port edit assp.
If I run:
clear; sudo port -d install assp
I generally get a bunch of errors, certainly a lot less if I uninstall
the port first. In the interest of learning, can someone explain what
is going on, here is the output:
( I have a good deal of ui_info " MY DEBUG: *" in there )
The basic premise of what I need to do is delete one directory, scan
the files and run reinplace on certain ones, scan the files and change
the perl path to the macports one, and scan the files and change the
path of /usr/local/assp to /opt/local/etc/assp, and finally, move the
files to their final destination.
I am a little confused on the ideal way to use pre-patch, configure,
build, and destroot.
Taking a cue from the original port, I put the first reinplace, to
delete DOS endings in pre-patch, this makes sense to me to be here.
I then put the reinplace of the perl path, as well as the /usr/local/
assp path replacement in configure. Is this correct? To me, it seems
a pre-patch thing. I fail to locate docs that tell me what is most
ideal for each action.
Since this is just moving files around, I have set
use_configure no
but that seems misleading to me, if it is set to no, how come
configure still gets run?
pre-patch, configrue, build, and destroot all appear to be what I
would call tcl functions, does the order of placement in the port file
make any difference at all, or are the parsed and ran in the order
they need to be? I think the logical order would be
pre-patch {}
configure {}
build {}
destroot {}
Does placement of
use_configure no
in the file make a difference, I seem to have different results
depending on where I put it.
Here is my current iteration of the port
Thanks, once this works, I will work on the destroot and making sure
it does not nuke config and bayes database and other files, that
should leave me with figuring out what perl modules need ports.
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