
Frank Schima macsforever2000 at
Fri Oct 3 19:53:36 PDT 2008

On Oct 3, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Agentyikes wrote:

> I am quite new to this world of things. I am an ordinary user of linux
> and OS X. I would like to make tellico, a KDE application for
> organizing your collections to my imac.
> I have prepared the following portfile.
> # $Id$
> PortSystem          1.0
> name                tellico
> version             1.3.4
> categories          ???
> maintainers         Robby Stephenson
> description         Collection manager
> long_description    a KDE application for organizing your collections
> homepage  
> platforms           darwin
> master_sites
> checksums           md5 d6531a9731cc50c59cd2588e7af22ff8 \
> depends_lib         port:kde3.5.8 \
>                   port:qt3.3.8 \
>                   port:libxml2.6 \
> 		    port: libxslt1.0.19
> configure.args      --enable-final --disable-debug
> Is this what I need to make tellico run in macports?

You should file a new ticket [1] and attach your Portfile to it. I see  
a few problems off the bat:

-The maintainers field needs to be an email address. It is the person  
who is managing the MacPorts port (e.g. you), *not* the original  
project maintainer.
-The depends_lib items must be valid port names. None of the ones you  
list are MacPorts port names. Do not include the version number.
-We need to pick a category. I'm thinking maybe kde or databases. Ideas?

You can test it by simply putting the Portfile - it must be called  
exactly 'Portfile' - in a directory by itself. In a Terminal shell, cd  
to the directory and type 'sudo port install'. That will tell you if  
it works. Also, please read the Portfile development guidelines [2].

[1] <>
[2] <>
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