
Erwan David erwan at
Tue Oct 28 00:28:07 PDT 2008

> Okay, so now I'm thoroughly confused. OS X (10.5.5) reported nothing when 
> I did an 'echo $MANPATH' and wouldn't show me a man page for 'port'. So, I 
> added 'export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH' to my .profile and 
> now at least I can view manpages from macports. Is there a proper way to 
> pull this off? Macports 1.6.0 either didn't modify something it should 
> have or it is up to the user to add a MANPATH. If there are system 
> inconsistencies that might happen then that is bad too.

man man should show you this page

So, check /private/etc/man.conf and check that you have no MANPATH


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