error -- cpanp-run-perl wrapper
Shawn Protsman
protsman at
Tue Oct 28 16:05:12 PDT 2008
I don't know if this is a problem with the macports version of cpanp,
per se (though it works fine on my two Linux systems).
cpanp-run-perl-5.10 is found in my path:
@naiad ~] which cpanp-run-perl-5.10
When I start cpanp-5.10, I get an error about my perlwrapper:
@naiad ~/Desktop/test] cpanp-5.10
[ERROR] Could not find the 'cpanp-run-perl' binary in your path--this
may be a problem.
Please locate this program and set your 'perlwrapper' config entry to
its path.
From the default shell, you can do this by typing:
s program perlwrapper FULL_PATH_TO_CPANP_RUN_PERL
s save
I set this to "/opt/local/bin/cpanp-run-perl-5.10" and it writes it to
the file.
@naiad ~] grep wrapper .cpanplus/lib/CPANPLUS/Config/
$conf->set_program( perlwrapper => '/opt/local/bin/cpanp-run-
perl-5.10' );
But, when launching cpanp-5.10 again, I get the same error. I created
a link like this to get around it:
sudo ln -s cpanp-run-perl-5.10 cpanp-run-perl
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