Getting Started

Sam Williams 815finder at
Fri Sep 5 13:13:45 PDT 2008


Pardon my ignorance, but I can't find out how to begin using MacPorts.

I have a MacBook just under a year old, with a 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo  
processor and OS X 10.5.4.

I installed appropriate versions of X11, Xcode & MacPorts - all  
successfully, as I understood it.

                 I cannot find MacPort's icon.

Perhaps it is not its own app.   In which case it is a bit beyond my  
ken. barbie too.

I've checked the online guide & FAQ and it all seems to assume this  
most basic how-to-start-using-it point is self-evident and I can't  
find any mention of what I need to do to begin doing anything else  
with it.  I've given up on that route, after a couple hours of  
installing and searching.

Began this whole process in an attempt to install GIMP.  I'll try the  
other easy(?) route listed on their site, but would still be  
interested in checking out what-all MacPorts has to offer.  It seems  
an exciting source to explore.

I am not computer-illiterate, by any means - I used to program in  
Fortran, RPN & Basic, from the early 70s to the mid-80s - but I am  
only a propeller-head wannabe and have been spoiled by Macs for the  
last 24 years.  I suspect this is at the core of my problem.

Damn, I'm getting old...

Any help would be appreciated.


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