KDE4 packages depend on two QT4 packages ?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Apr 1 17:46:57 PDT 2009

On Mar 29, 2009, at 10:24, Chris Jones wrote:

> On 29 Mar 2009, at 4:07PM, Chris Jones wrote:
>> If I understand things, a new QT4 package has been introduced, qt4- 
>> kde, to provide a version compatible with the KDE4 packages.  
>> However, it seems that some KDE4 packages have been updated to use  
>> qt4-kde, but others still use qt4-mac, which means overall KDE4  
>> depends on both e.g. kdelibs4 depends on phonon ad qt4-kde, whilst  
>> phonon itself uses qt4-mac.... I assume this is incorrect and all  
>> KDE4 packages should be updated to use qt4-kde ?
> This is definitely a problem, as it prevents the KDE4 applications  
> from starting since kdelibs4 was updated to depend on qt4-kde. See  
> below.

Would you please file a ticket for this problem in the issue tracker?  

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