problem installing doxygen on 10.5.6

Victor Eijkhout eijkhout at
Tue Apr 21 21:27:00 PDT 2009

On 2009/04/21, at 6:49 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> Do you have libiconv installed with the universal variant? If so,
> what architectures did you request in your macports.conf? If you
> requested any 64-bit architectures, it might be the cause of this  
> error.

Can you talk me through this?
1/ If libiconv is installed, it's not by me.

"port installed" gives
   libiconv @1.12_0+darwin_8 (active)

2/ I don't recall requesting anyhting, but this is what's in the conf  

[albook:~] %% grep 64 /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf
[albook:~] %% cat /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf | awk 'p==1  
{print; p=0} /architecture/ {p=1}'
universal_archs         ppc i386
[albook:~] %%

Anything else?

Victor Eijkhout, 512 471 5809 (w), 512 499 0504 (h)
Texas Advanced Computing Center, The University of Texas at Austin

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