sudo port upgrade outdated

Frank J. R. Hanstick trog24 at
Wed Apr 29 08:49:55 PDT 2009

	The grep resulted in the following:

		/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/cspi-1.0.pc:Cflags: -I${includedir}/at- 
spi-1.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include.

	The provider is:

		/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/cspi-1.0.pc is provided by: at-spi

	The deps are:

		at-spi has build dependencies on:
		at-spi has library dependencies on:

	The dependents are:

		gnome-platform-suite depends on at-spi

	at-spi was upgraded and a rerun of grep showed no X11R6.  gnome- 
platform-suite was the upgraded as well.

I assume that this exercise has nothing to do with evolution-data- 
server failing to upgrade because of a previous installation; but, a  
side issue.

On Apr 29, 2009, at 7:54 AM, David Evans wrote:

>>> Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
>>>> evolution-data-server (new port file displayed prior to the  
>>>> attempt) with the following error message:
>>>> /usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -dynamiclib  -o ../.libs/libgdraw. 
>>>> 4.0.7.dylib  .libs/choosericons.o .libs/ctlvalues.o .libs/ 
>>>> drawboxborder.o .libs/gaskdlg.o .libs/gbuttons.o .libs/ 
>>>> gcolor.o .libs/gchardlg.o .libs/gcontainer.o .libs/gdraw.o .libs/ 
>>>> gdrawbuildchars.o .libs/gdrawerror.o .libs/gdrawtxt.o .libs/ 
>>>> gdrawtxtinit.o .libs/gfilechooser.o .libs/gfiledlg.o .libs/ 
>>>> ggadgets.o .libs/ggroupbox.o .libs/gimageclut.o .libs/ 
>>>> gimagecvt.o .libs/gimagepsdraw.o .libs/gimagewriteeps.o .libs/ 
>>>> gdrawgimage.o .libs/gimagexdraw.o .libs/gkeysym.o .libs/ 
>>>> glist.o .libs/gmenu.o .libs/gprogress.o .libs/gpsdraw.o .libs/ 
>>>> gpstxtinit.o .libs/gradio.o .libs/gresource.o .libs/ 
>>>> gresourceimage.o .libs/gresedit.o .libs/gsavefiledlg.o .libs/ 
>>>> gscrollbar.o .libs/gtabset.o .libs/gtextfield.o .libs/ 
>>>> gtextinfo.o .libs/gwidgets.o .libs/gxdraw.o .libs/ 
>>>> gxcdraw.o .libs/ghvbox.o .libs/gmatrixedit.o .libs/ 
>>>> gdrawable.o .libs/gspacer.o .libs/xkeysyms_unicode.o  -L/opt/ 
>>>> local/lib -L/usr/local/lib ../.libs/libgutils.dylib /opt/local/ 
>>>> lib/libgunicode.dylib ../.libs/libgunicode.dylib /opt/local/lib/ 
>>>> libiconv.dylib -lpthread -L/usr/X11R6/lib /opt/local/lib/ 
>>>> libSM.dylib /opt/local/lib/libICE.dylib /opt/local/lib/ 
>>>> libXi.dylib /opt/local/lib/libXext.dylib /opt/local/lib/ 
>>>> libXau.dylib /opt/local/lib/libXdmcp.dylib /opt/local/lib/ 
>>>> libX11.dylib /opt/local/lib/libxkbui.dylib /opt/local/lib/ 
>>>> libXt.dylib /opt/local/lib/libxkbfile.dylib  -Wl,/System/Library/ 
>>>> Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/CoreServices -Wl,/System/ 
>>>> Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Carbon -install_name  /opt/ 
>>>> local/lib/libgdraw.4.dylib -compatibility_version 5 - 
>>>> current_version 5.7 -Wl,-single_module
> Frank,
> I'm a little concerned that the term "-L/usr/X11R6/lib /opt/local/ 
> lib/libSM.dylib /opt/local/lib/libICE.dylib" is appearing in the  
> link command
> above.  This implies that one or more of evolution-data-servers's  
> dependents is configuring against the 10.4 system supplied version  
> of X11
> instead of the xorg version from MacPorts and is passing this along  
> via pkgconfig.  Probably something left over from the transition to  
> the
> xorg libraries.
> Try the following to see where this is coming from
> grep X11R6 /opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc
> and if you see any hits then
> port provides /opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/<whatever>.pc
> to see which port is providing that pkgconfig file.
> It may then be as simple as using
> sudo port -fn upgrade <bad port>
> to rebuild the effected port to fix this.  But if there is more  
> than one such file, then be sure to check and see if one depends on  
> the other
> and start with the earliest dependency first to keep it from  
> passing the bad term to the next etc.
> Here
> sudo port deps <port>   shows a port's dependencies
> and
> sudo port dependents <port>  shows installed ports that depend on  
> this port
> Dave

Frank J. R. Hanstick
trog24 at

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