Installing Mysql5 port on top of an existing mysql5 on Leopard and using Rails

Chris Janton face at CentosPrime.COM
Thu Apr 30 10:03:48 PDT 2009

On 2009-04-29 , at 22:37 , Scott Haneda wrote:

>> Being on the same page about the application, fine. Putting  
>> everything that you need in /opt/local? Not sure that's the right  
>> thing.
> Why not, genuinely curious.  If you mentally thin of /opt/local as /  
> it very much has a layout very much like most other nix's, with some  
> small differences.

I understand that the layout is similar.

If the only reason you have MySQL installed is for one, single  
application, fine.
If you aren't going to use MySQL as the backend for a "production"  
activity, fine.

If you need to maintain your databases (as opposed to maintaining your  
application) then my opinion is that it is much clearer and easier to  
deal with by placing the database directories in different  
places...log files on one device, user databases on a different device.

I have seen the advice of "remove /opt/local/* and start again" too  
many times to think that having all of your eggs in that basket is a  
good thing.

>>>> Lots of "applications" let you specify how to get to the mysql  
>>>> data via the socket interface - you may just want to change the  
>>>> config file for the app...
>>>> There's a very simple way to keep your data in one place - use / 
>>>> etc/my.cnf to define things.
>>> I could not find out where the ports version of mysql5 looks for  
>>> my.cnf as defaults.  Do you know where it is looking within the  
>>> opt/local area?  I do not have a cnf file at /etc or /opt/local/etc
>> The sample my.cnf file has this at the top...
> Where did you find that sample my.cnf file?


The order of evaluation of configuration files is described here

Chris Janton  - face at CentosPrime dot COM
Netminder for Opus1.COM

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