About PHP 5.3 and PostgreSQL 8.4.0

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Aug 9 02:43:58 PDT 2009

On Aug 9, 2009, at 03:14, Chang James wrote:

>> I don't know why postgresql83 is failing to build for you, but I  
>> also don't know why MacPorts is trying to build postgresql83 for  
>> you when you asked it to build php5. I'll have to look at the  
>> dependency graph. In the mean time, try Joshua's suggestion. If  
>> postgresql83 fails again, clean it again, then show us the full  
>> debug output from "sudo port -d install postgresql83".
> My system has installed PostgreSQL 8.4.0 from MacPorts
> There is no PostgreSQL 8.3 installed in my system.
> So, I must install both postgresql 8.3 and PostgreSQL 8.4 ?

php5-postgresql has variants to allow you to select whether you would  
like version 8.4, 8.3 or 8.2. php5-postgresql only requires one of  
those, and the default is 8.4.

Something other than php must be pulling in the postgresql83 port.  
Presumably one of php's dependencies but I don't know yet which one.

> By the way, when I install PostgreSQL84, PostgreSQL84-server and  
> PostgreSQL84-doc
> It told me that I cannot activeate postgresql84 and postgresql84- 
> doc at the same time :<

I see the same, and have filed a ticket for you for this problem:


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