
Lenore Horner LenoreHorner at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 13 20:17:41 PDT 2009

On Aug 13, 2009, at 22:01 , Lenore Horner wrote:

> I tried to install wyrd both last night and tonight and ocaml hangs  
> at the fetch stage for at least half an hour.  I have internet  
> service in that I can get and send mail and wander around the web.   
> I thought there were mirror servers to avoid this.  Is there a way  
> around this blockade?

Managed to find the email in the archives surprisingly quickly:   
download and put in /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/${name}

Seems to be working.

Is this somewhere in the wiki or support that I didn't find?  I ask  
because this has come up twice this month.  That doesn't make it  
easier to find in the archives, but since I haven't figured out how to  
search them except by scanning titles, that's not always useful.


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