The php52 port: is APC available?

Tom Boutell tom at
Thu Dec 10 14:07:11 PST 2009

I'm using Snow Leopard.

Today I gave up on PHP 5.3.1 and rolled back to PHP 5.2.11. This is
the command that succeeded in giving me PHP 5.2 with support for GD,
MySQL and PDO:

port deactivate php5
port install php52 +apache2 +darwin_10 +macosx +apc +curl +gd +iconv
+mysql5 +posix +xsl

But despite putting +apc on that line I did not get APC support.

I considered the possibility that there might be a separate port for
it, as there is in 5.3. But port install php52-apc says there's no
such port. The apc from php5-apc is of course not appropriate for
php52, it was compiled for PHP 5.3.

I can get by without APC if I really have to, but is it possible to
get it working? It worked before MacPorts went to 5.3.

For curious PHP programmers who want to know why I rolled back: I am
exerpiencing persistent segfaults that only occur if I don't call
exit(0) at the end of my script. It's a complex Symfony application,
but I've ruled out an infinite recursion bug (sometimes a legitimate
cause of segfaults at the PHP code level) by verifying that I reach
the end of the script. I tried attaching to the Apache process via gdb
and observed the segfault but the 'where' output was unfortunately not
very enlightening, it didn't seem to include any calls within mod_php.

Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

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