Too many open files

David Evans dave.evans55 at
Sun Dec 20 04:04:00 PST 2009

I deleted all my inactive ports. I then ran this command:

script bigbuild.log sudo port -pdk upgrade --force installed  +universal

in an effort to build all my ports universal.  The -k option was used to
keep the builds in case I had to run the command again.

After a few hours of compilation, ports started failing with "too many
open files"


./libtool: cannot make pipe for command substitution: Too many open files

I tried the command again with the same result except that it  was much
due to the already built ports.

Viewing the memory usage with Activity Monitor showed only a few MB of free
memory.  Whether this is the cause I do not know.  The virtual memory
used by
tclsh was around 550 MB and was slowly increasing.

iMac Intel  Core 2 Duo, 2GB ram.
Snow Leopard 10.6.2
Xcode 3.2.1 (1613)
Port 1.8.1

I need universal libraries in an effort to build Gnome, although at the
this is stymied by xulrunner-devel failing to build.  I have 641 ports

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