Erlang Build Failing on configure

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Dec 20 18:59:40 PST 2009

On Dec 20, 2009, at 20:18, Robert Sanford wrote:

> I did the selfupdate and clean and ran the install w/ -universal (you are correct in my having +universal in the config although that doesn't always work) and it installed/activated/cleaned. Need to do some testing but am confident at this point. But...
> What is the -univeral going to do to my ports that require universal (Python26 comes to mind) and share dependencies w/ Erlang? Is that going to change my dependencies at all when I want/need to upgrade those? Will I just need to make sure that I use +universal for those?

If +universal is in your variants.conf, +universal will be applied to every port you install or upgrade. For ports where the universal variant is broken, like apparently erlang at least on Snow Leopard when building x86_64/i386, you should specify -universal on the command line when you install or upgrade. This will affect the port you are installing or upgrading, and any dependencies that get installed or upgraded at the same time. You probably don't want that for the dependencies -- you probably want them to be universal even if erlang is not -- so manually install or upgrade any needed dependencies first, so that they get done +universal per your variants.conf.

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