mysql5 vs mysql devel

Payam Minoofar payam.minoofar at
Wed Dec 23 11:28:56 PST 2009

On Dec 23, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:

>> Here is the problem, it seems. libmysqld.a resides in /opt/local/lib/ 
>> mysql5/mysql/
>> So, Amarok is looking for this file in the wrong directory. I also  
>> installed mysql-server-devel, but this had no impact. Perhaps the  
>> Amarok dependency needs to be updated?
> Now where else have I typed mysql4 or mysql5, it's always mysql.  
> mysqldump5, nope, mysqldump.
> Sure, add some simlinks but what are we gaining from this feature?
> What if we had the current mysql use mysql and older version get the  
> mysql4 tag?
> When mysql gets updated to v6 it get's mysql and mysql v5 gets mysql5.
> Never mind, I think this is entrenched and easy enough to work around.

What would be the easy work around for Amarok? I'm so  close to getting it running!

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