Pyraf question

David Nicholls david at
Thu Dec 31 21:43:07 PST 2009

David Nicholls wrote:
> Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 20:31, David Nicholls wrote:
>>> Has anyone installed Pyraf (python iraf) using macports python?
>>> I already have a direct install of Pyraf under a direct install of
>>> Python, but macports is such a convenient and well integrated
>>> system that I'm trying to change over to it.
>>> I would guess that running the from the Pyraf distro from
>>> the macports python would do the job, but I'd appreciate
>>> confirmation before I try.
>>> 2. Are there any plans to add Pyraf to the macports family?  The
>>> source of plain Pyraf is
>>> <> 
>> I don't see port request ticket filed for this, so you could file
>> one. But the surest way to get a port added to MacPorts is to write
>> it. Instructions for doing so are in the Guide, and you can also look
>> to existing portfiles for guidance.
> Thanks, Ryan, sounds like an interesting thing to do when I recover from 
> New Years Eve :-)  I'll see what I can do, and - if failure intervenes - 
> I'll log a port request.

I have prepared what I think might be a protfile, but since my ignorance 
is considerable, I don't know how correct it is.  I don't know what to 
call it nor where to send it.  Attached below. So I also logged a port 


# $Id$

PortSystem          1.0

name                py26-pyraf

version             1.8.1

categories          python, science, x11

maintainers         # ?

description         Python IRAF

long_description    PyRAF is a command language for running IRAF tasks \
                     based on the Python scripting language.


distfiles           pyraf-1.8.1.tar.gz

platforms           macosx, darwin # ?


checksums           md5 2e5669a39556d7824eb924f1397fe766 \
                     sha1 fa42746985e09aaf2a7d2d1f7c062c980b3ba015 \
	                rmd160 424b5a5e66119b86584c46c6c38d8cc2f777869b

depends_lib         port:tcl \
                     port:readline \
                     port:python26 \

# optional installs py26-ipython (desirable), py-urwid
# STSCI site says install requires tcl OR tk

ANU RSAA Mt Stromlo

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