ENV to macports

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Tue Feb 3 18:46:37 PST 2009

Bradley Giesbrecht wrote:
> If your building a Portfile here is a piece of the postfix Portfile:
> variant ldap description "add ldap support via openldap" {
>      depends_lib-append  port:openldap
>      set CCARGS      [concat ${CCARGS} -DHAS_LDAP]
>      set AUXLIBS     [concat ${AUXLIBS} -lldap -llber]
> }

`set' does not affect the environment at all, these are just local Tcl

If you need special variables in the environment for building, specify
configure.env (and build.env) in the Portfile. But also note there are
predefined options to set CFLAGS, LDFLAGS and others, namely
configure.cflags, configure.ldflags, etc. They should be preferred over
manipulating configure.env.

They are explained in the guide:


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