
Martin Stadler martin at siarp.de
Thu Jan 15 13:51:44 PST 2009


I'd like to have a zope2.10 port.

There's a "zope" port which is currently at version 2.8.7. I think it  
would be reasonable to have multiple Zope ports like 2.9, 2.10, 2.11  
etc. as it is the case with the Python ports for instance.

I had a look at the current Zope port and it also creates Zope  
instance. Linux distributions like Debian have a separate package  
called zope2.10-sandbox or zope2.9-instance or so. I like this concept  
more since I personally don't need a prepared instance.

The existing Zope port installs Zope into ${prefix}/libexec, Debian  
in /usr/lib. I don't know much about Unix directory structure  
conventions so I can't tell what fits better.

Here's my quick version of a zope2.10 port:

# $Id$

PortSystem        1.0
name              zope2.10
version           2.10.7
categories        www zope python
maintainers       nomaintainer
description       Object-Oriented Python Web Application Server
long_description  Zope is a leading open source application server, \
                   specializing in content management, portals, and \
                   custom applications.
platforms         darwin
homepage          http://www.zope.org
master_sites      ${homepage}/Products/Zope/${version}/${version}
distname          Zope-${version}-final
extract.suffix    .tgz
checksums         md5 add70c8b46ef8ab6f43780344478f3f7
depends_build     port:python24
extract.post_args | gnutar -xf -
configure.args    --prefix=${prefix}/libexec/zope2.10 --with-python=$ 
build.target      default
destroot.destdir  PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/zope2.10


I'd be happy to get some comments.


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