p5 modules, get me started on one

Bryan Blackburn blb at macports.org
Mon Jan 19 23:30:41 PST 2009

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 10:57:52PM -0800, Scott Haneda said:
> Got it, thanks, I think it was the bunk connection at the coffee shop.  I 
> have a working port, what is the next step in the submission process?

Create a new ticket at


and attach your Portfile to the new one (attachments are strongly preferred
as doing it inline causes whitespace issues).


> Here is my final portfile, if anyone wants to critique, please do.
> # $Id$
> PortSystem 1.0
> PortGroup perl5 1.0
> perl5.setup             File-ReadBackwards 1.04
> maintainers             hostwizard.com:scott
> description             This module reads a file backwards line by line.
> long_description        It is simple to use, memory efficient and fast. \
> 			It supports both an object and a tied handle interface. \
> 										\
> 			It is intended for processing log and other similar text \
> 			files which typically have their newest entries appended \
> 			to them. By default files are assumed to be plain text and \
> 			have a line ending appropriate to the OS. But you can set \
> 			the input record separator string on a per file basis.
> homepage		http://search.cpan.org/~uri/File-ReadBackwards-1.04/
> platforms               darwin
> checksums		md5	bda339c8b2e5139649cb28c4b775fb42 \
> 			sha1	19874cb169f2b105c82222588a163fb17bd77599 \
> 			rmd160	ab166d1797b0e95ae8990ee583071337bfb54fdf
> --
> Scott

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